The Sanctuary of the Blessed
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We are so glad you are online with us.
The church believes in the word of God, and it is our mandate to help you understand it’s meaning to your life.
God’s love for humanity was manifested by offering his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross of calvary shedding his precious blood for the remission of our sins, through whom we have eternal life. Jesus remains the only way to the Father! So, God’s gift of salvation in Christ requires your response.
However, He is not satisfied simply with the forgiveness of your sins neither having any desire in those who serve him in pleasures and convenience. But he wants to transform you because of his pleasing and impeccable plans for your life (Ephesians 1:17-20). The bigger your vision, the greater your exploits! But are you known by this ageless God? — The God of Impossibilities and wonders (Luke 1:37).
Here at NCIC, you are inspired to embrace Godly doctrine that is aligned with the word of God
<b>(i.)<b/> for your edification
(ii.) for your motivation for your growth in God’s grace, spiritual nourishment, and triumphant praise of God.
(iii.) showcasing the wonders of the God of impossibilities and his hidden treasure(s) for you (Isaiah 45:3).
(iv.) leading you into discovering his divine purpose and plans for your life (Psalm 32:8).
God’s faithfulness endures forever! He never runs out of LOVE for you because it flows from the well that never runs dry.
We welcome you into our midst to enjoy the <i>’splendour of his divine presence'<i/>. Remain blessed as you continue with the worship experience and service to the King of Glory in this Santuary of the Blessed, where the sovereign God – the supreme ruler and final authority in the heavens and on earth inhabits the praises of his people.